Monday, November 25, 2013

Master Any Tennis Stroke

File:Roger Federer RG2012 volley.jpg

Master Any Tennis Stroke
By Thomas Jay Daniels 

Hey guys, what I'm going to share with you today is how you can master any tennis stroke in no time at all. If you do everything I say here, you should take your tennis game to next level today. First thing, make sure that you only focus on one stroke at a time, I know you have heard that before, but it's really true. If you want to master any stroke, you have to be FOCUSED! And its impossible if you are learning two or more strokes, at the same time. Next, get a clear vision of the stroke in your mind, this has to be as vivid as possible. To do this, you can model pros who you like, but it doesn't matter how you do it, just get the vision. Why, because you have to see it, before you can do it. Now, after you get the vision, here come the hard part.

You have to hit about 1000s balls or more a session, trying to get a better feel every time you practice. This is the key to mastering a stroke, repetition and focus. What happens, is while you are doing this, the STROKE WILL DEVELOP on its own. I bet you didn't know this, but this is how the pros do it, and now its time for you to be doing the same thing.Sorry, there is no quick method here, you have to get the hitting time in. The problem I see all the time, is players want to learn the stroke over night, which is impossible. Tip for coaches out there, help your students to get out of their own way.

That's your job as a teacher, stop over coaching and let the process take place and it will if you do it this way. Back to you, tennis is a feel game, never forget this. As a player you are trying to get a better feel for your game every time you step out on the court. So, when learning a stroke, apply the same thing, make sure you are getting a better feel every time you practice the stroke. You should feel that the stroke is getting better,at the in of the day. Also, don't force it, just let it happen. Success formula, REPETITION and FOCUS + hrs of practice= Mastering a Stroke! Get it? As for as how long it will take, that's up to you. The more focused you are, the quicker you will master the stroke. I guess the question is to be or not to be focus. Answer please!

Article Source: Master Any Tennis Stroke

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