Friday, November 22, 2013

Tennis (Flow With Your Game)


Tennis (Flow With Your Game)
By Thomas Jay Daniels 
Why do so many players make tennis more difficult then it really is? I think because they try to hard and are too judgmental of their play, this only gets the player more frustrated when they are learning the game. See, tennis is just a feel game where you try to become at one with the ball and you still your mind, when you are doing it, the stillness can't take place unless your mind is free,also this can't be force. So, lets start there, before you step out on the court, make sure you are ready to play, by getting rid of all the junk in your head from work etc. I do this with my players, because I have found out that most of them weren't progressing because they had other things on there mind during our lessons.

After I was able to get them to clear their heads, the results were amazing and they will be for you too when you do this! Tennis being a motor sport requires that we be able to let our body move in a natural way with a free mind, I call this letting go, so your game can flow. It's almost as if we detach from the outcome, but stay in the moment, I know, that may sound strange, but try it, before you reject it. Lets break it down even more, don't get angry when you miss a shot, just adjust your swing and try again, keep doing this until you get a better feel for that stroke. Make sure that you are only working on one thing at a time too, I know you have heard this before, but its true and needs to be repeated, you can't work on two or more things at one time and expect to get any progress with your game.

So, use this repetition for any stroke until you feel the stroke flows without any effort on your part, that's the goal, to develop a effortless stroke that can be repeated over and over again. Some other tips that can help your game flow, be aware of your breathing when you are hitting the ball, you should be exhaling, after every point breath deeply and let go, you should feel the stress, along with all the negative energy release from your body. Notice, I said negative energy, this is the one thing that will prevent your game from flowing, the more you let negativity energy enter your mind, the more your game will break down okay. So, stop it from the get go by breathing more deeply and again be aware of your emotions, don't show any and if you do, catch yourself, then correct yourself. This work folks, it also help you to get ready for the next point, which is what I want to point out to you next, as for as match play or practice, remember, the most important point is the next one, learn to let go mentally of the last point and don't start the next one until you are ready, please keep reminding yourself of this so your game can flow. Now lets put it all together, sit down and get a image of the player you want to be, make sure its vivid, now see yourself playing smooth (flow tennis) in your mind, feel that emotion, feels good doesn't it! Now for the next 21 days walk, talk and play like you are already that player! I mean it, get it in your head that if you want to play smooth tennis you have to picture it in your mind first, before you can be it. This should get you off to a good start with developing a flow tennis game, the key is don't sweat it on the court and never let them see you sweat, then your game will FLOW my friend.

Please go to for more tips on tennis.

Article Source: Tennis (Flow With Your Game)

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